עברית Русский

щйтеш 1 – ъшвем


1.  How many seasons are there in one year? ц

A.      3

B.      6

C.      12

D.      4


2.  Which of these words is synonymous with "finally"? ц  

(Synonymous = ршгу, бтм ощотеъ геод)

A.      Immediately

B.      Meanwhile

C.      Eventually

D.      During


3.  The meaning of which of these words is "тгййп"?   (ц meaning = ощотеъ)

A.      So far

B.      Yet

C.      Still

D.      Answers B and C are correct


4.  How would you say "арй асййн аъ жд бщбет дба"?

A.      I'll finish it in next week

B.      I'll finish it within a week

C.      I'll finish it next week

D.      I'll finish it a week ago


5.  How would you say "дййъй щн мфрй щръййн"?

A.      I was there two years earlier

B.      I was there two years ago

C.      I was there before two years

D.      I was there two years before


6.  How would you say "адйд щн бтег 20 гчеъ"?

A.      I'll be there in twenty minutes

B.      I'll be there twenty minutes from now

C.      I'll be there once twenty minutes

D.      Answers A and B are correct


7.  Which of these words mean "мтйъйн чшебеъ"?  (ц to mean = мдълееп [меош])

A.      Often

B.      Seldom

C.      Never

D.      Answers A and B are correct


8.  How would you say "I usually remember stuff like that" in Hebrew (тбшйъ)? ц

A.      арй бгшк лмм желш гбшйн ламд

B.      арй мтемн ма желш гбшйн ламд

C.      арй мтйъйн чшебеъ желш гбшйн ламд

D.      арй мфтойн желш гбшйн ламд


9.  Rephrase the sentence "Every time I call you, you say you're busy" ц

(To rephrase = мрсз озгщ, busy = тсеч)

A.      Since I call you, you say you're busy

B.      Always I call you, you say you're busy

C.      Soon I call you, you say you're busy

D.      Whenever I call you, you say you're busy

Reveal answers ц

Daily word list: ц  (шщйоъ оймйн йеойъ)


Nouns: ц  (щоеъ тцн)


оцйъ = lighter ц

вйм = age ц

че = line ц

ъзръ аеиебес = bus stop ц

зфйсд = pack ц

сйвшйд = cigarette ц


Verbs: ц  (щоеъ фетм)


мдцишу = to join ц

мдесйу = to add ц

мдцйъ, мдгмйч = to light ц

мдтшйх = to admire ц

 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]