עברית Русский
чит чшйад - йзйгд 5

мфрй щръзйм мчшеа, беае ршад шщйод щм доймйн щмогре бодмк дъшвемйн:

оймеп оймйн

щоеъ тцн:

офтйм = operator ц

бем фвйтд = bulls eye ц (оймемй: тйп щеш)

дешд (айоа ае аба) = parent ц

ооъч = candy ц

зрйд = parking space ц

ошлж = center ц

щбйм, гшк = pathway ц

щечемг = chocolate ц

очен = place ц

зх (чип) = dart ц

лбйщ = road ц

олщйш, оъчп = device ц

бйизеп = security ц

йшйг = fair ц

швщ, ъзещд = sense ц

зжйъ, фшери = front ц

зреъ = shop ц

ощзч = game ц

оишд = target ц

фийщ = hammer ц

ъретд (лое же блбйщ) = traffic ц

ълщйийн = jewelry ц

чем (щм ойщде) = voice ц

ймг \ ймгеп (бмщеп дгйбеш) = kid ц

гшк, щбйм = way ц

ожм = luck ц


огмйд = medal ц


щоеъ фетм:

мфвет, мдлеъ = to hit ц (V2 -> hit ц)

мчшеа (мойщде) = to call ц

мъъ, мафщш = to let ц (V2 -> let ц)

мвмеъ = to discover ц

мфвещ = to meet ц (V2 -> met ц)

мдйлщм = to fail ц

мдйшаеъ = to seem ц

мфзг = to fear ц

молеш = to sell ц (V2 -> sold ц)

мдшвйщ = to feel ц (V2 -> felt ц)

мдецйа (лсу мощм) = to spend ц (V2 -> spent ц)

моцеа = to find ц (V2 -> found ц)

мрцз = to win ц (V2 -> won ц)

мдвйт = to get ц (V2 -> got ц)

мцтеч = to yell ц

мзжеш = to go back ц


мщоет = to hear ц (V2 -> heard ц)


щоеъ ъеаш:

згщ = new ц

щръй = annual ц

оелп = ready ц

омалеъй = artificial ц

чип = small ц

азешй = back ц

сфцйфй, оевгш = specific ц

вгем = big ц

зжч = strong ц

ршвщ = excited ц

оецмз = successful ц

трч = giant ц

тййу = tired ц

чщд \ зжч = hard ц

змщ = weak ц

отрййп = interesting ц

шзб = wide ц

оаезш = late ц


чип = little ц


ъашй дфетм ещереъ:

оеъч (щн зйбд) = honey ц

лм ойрй = all kinds of ц

ан = if ц

вн лп = also ц

блгй м.. = in order to ц

мфй = by ц

бтйш = in town ц

чгйод! (оймъ чшйад) = come on! ц

фрйод = inside ц

лм \ лм азг = each ц

аемй = maybe ц

длем = everything ц

фъаен, мфът = suddenly ц

чегн, чегн лм = first ц


дйшйг дщръй

The annual fair is in town and little Michael can't wait to get there. He is at the back seat in his parents' car. They are at the front.

"When will we get there?" asked Michael.

"Soon, honey" replied his mother. "We are 10 miles away. That's 15 minutes".

"More like 25 by the traffic on the road" said Michael's father.

"Why are there so many cars on the road?" asked Michael.

"Well, because they, like us, are also going to the fair" said his mother.

There were hundreds of cars on the road, maybe three to four-hundred as far as Michael could see.


After around thirty minutes they arrived at the fair. It was hard to find a parking space as it was to get there.

There were thousands of people at the fair. Michael felt so excited.

The whole place was half a kilometer long and 100 meters wide.

On each side of an artificial pathway there were several shops selling everything from candies to jewelry.

Michael's father gave him 50$ and let him go by himself. He told him to meet them at a specific place at a specific time.

Michael went further inside and discovered all kinds of games he could play. He first played the bulls-eye game. He bought 5 darts and tried to hit the center of a target. He was able to hit the center once but he wasn't as successful with the other four darts. For the one time he did hit the target he received a chocolate medal. He then tried his luck with a game that in order to win it he had to hit hard with a giant hammer. But Michael was very small and too weak.

"Come on! Who can hit the hardest? The stronger you are the harder you can hit. Are you strong enough?" yelled the device operator.

Then Michael saw a bigger kid try but he failed too.

Michael tried a few more devices and spent some more money.

It was a bit late and Michael thought that maybe he should go back.

There were many more places he could go but he was pretty tired and suddenly the games seemed less interesting. They were not as interesting as before. He now wanted to go back to his parents. But as much as he wanted to go, he didn't know the way. He started to fear. What if he can't go back? And then he heard his mother's voice calling:

"Michael honey, are you ready to go home?"

"Yes" he said and walked towards her with a new sense of security.

 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]