עברית Русский
чит чшйад - йзйгд 6

мфрй щръзйм мчшеа, беае ршад шщйод щм доймйн щмогре бодмк дъшвемйн:

оймеп оймйн

щоеъ тцн:

щегг = mugger ц

аеейш = air ц

щлерд = neighborhood ц

аобемрс = ambulance ц

мймд = night ц

дефтд = appearance ц

штщ = noise ц

рбйзд = bark ц

щеиш = officer ц

тру = branch ц

щеъу = partner ц

бвгйн = clothes ц

ощишд = police ц

омерд = doghouse ц

щеиш = policeman ц

фз ащфд = dumpster ц

ашрч (рщй) = purse ц

фрйн, фшцеу = face ц

цтчд = scream ц

вгш = fence ц

цм = shade ц

фрс = flashlight ц

земцд = shirt ц

швм (0.305 оиш) = foot ц (шбйн: feet ц)

сйоп = sign ц

агод, чшчт = ground ц

щчи, гоод = silence ц

бзеш = guy ц

сйшрд = siren ц

зйфжеп = haste ц

аъш, ажеш = site ц

очен осъеш = hiding place ц

чем = sound ц

штйеп = idea ц

очеш = source ц

цеоъ = intersection ц

оабч = struggle ц

аеш = light ц

зцш = yard ц

ойчен = location ц


оби = look ц


щоеъ фетм:

мгтъ = to know ц (V2 = knew ц, V3 = known ц)

мдфтйм = to activate ц

мрзеъ = to land ц

млееп = to aim ц

мтжеб = to let go ц

мрщек = to bite ц

мжеж, мрет = to move ц

мдщъреъ \ мдзмйу = to change ц

мфишм, мсййш = to patrol ц

мшгеу = to chase ц

мдйшвт = to relax ц

мцаъ = to come out ц

мвмеъ = to reveal ц

мзцеъ = to cross ц

мшаеъ = to see ц (V2 = saw ц, V3 = seen ц)

мжтеч, мцтеч = to cry out ц

мрфх, мщбеш = to shatter ц

мчмм = to curse ц

мдбдйм = to startle ц

мзъек = to cut ц (V2 = cut ц, V3 = cut ц)

мзщег = to suspect ц

мдзмйи = to decide ц

мчзъ = to take ц (V2 = took ц, V3 = taken ц)

мдзмйу = to exchange ц

мдешйг = to take off ц

мдсъмч, мбшез = to get away ц

мжшеч = to throw ц (V2 = threw ц, V3 = thrown ц)

мцаъ = to get out ц

мчщеш = to tie ц

мщоеш = to guard ц

ммбещ = to wear ц (V2 = wore ц, V3 = worn ц)

мщоет = to hear ц (V2 = heard ц, V3 = heard ц)


щоеъ ъеаш:

фший, айщй = private ц

щзеш = black ц

щчи, ма шетщ = quiet ц

швет = calm ц

аген = red ц

ажшзй = civilian ц

фъаеой = sudden ц

бтм ослд = masked ц


решоамй, швйм = normal ц


ъашй дфетм ещереъ:

бодйшеъ = quickly ц

мвошй = completely ц

бчшеб = soon ц

ау азг = nobody ц







фтймеъ мймйъ




It was a quiet night. Everything was completely normal and nobody suspected it was going to change. But soon the silence in the neighborhood will be shattered.
Two policemen were patrolling the streets when suddenly a scream was heard. Then there was a sound of a struggle.

"Stay here" said one of the officers to his partner. He took a flashlight with him and walked towards the source of the noise.

"No, let go of me!" said a woman's voice.

The policeman aimed his flashlight between two dumpsters and saw a masked man trying to take an old lady's purse.

"Hey! You! What do you think you're doing?" yelled the policeman.

The mugger was startled by the light and the sudden appearance of the policeman. He let go of the woman's purse and started to run.

"Hey! Come back here!" said the policeman while chasing after the mugger.

The mugger jumped over a fence and went into someone's private yard. Unfortunately for him, it was guarded by a dog. The dog was tied to its doghouse so it couldn't bite him but it could reveal the mugger's location with its barks.

The mugger quickly jumped back over the fence but this time he was cut in the face by a tree branch above. "Damn!" he cursed.

He was beginning to get tired. He could see light coming through some of the windows of the nearby houses. He now knew he was being watched. He looked back but there was no sign of the officer. He decided to stay under the shade of the tree where he could not be seen.

Then he had an idea. "The police will be looking for a guy with a blue shirt" he thought to himself. He took off his upper shirt and threw it on the ground. Underneath, he was wearing a black shirt.

He came out of his hiding place looking calm and relaxed. At the intersection across the street he could see the police car. The two policemen were sitting inside. The mugger and the policemen exchanged looks. And then a voice cried out through one of the windows "That's him officer. I saw him. He changed clothes".

The siren was activated and the car moved towards him. In his haste to get away he crossed the road in red light and a civilian car hit him hard. He was thrown in the air and landed 10 feet away.

When the policemen arrived at the site they called an ambulance and the mugger was taken to the hospital. They will be waiting for him when he gets out.


 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]