עברית Русский
чит чшйад - йзйгд 3

мфрй щръзйм мчшеа, беае ршад шщйод щм доймйн щмогре бодмк дъшвемйн:

оймеп оймйн


щоеъ тцн:

фд = mouth ц

щтеп отешш = alarming clock ц

фйиш (щн) = Peter ц

щйшеъйн, згш аобийд = bathroom ц

цмцем = ring ц

ойид = bed ц

йен щбъ = Saturday ц

згш щйрд = bedroom ц

щрййд = second ц

шйцфд = floor ц

цтг = step ц

гмъ шащйъ = front door ц

ожеегд = suitcase ц

шащ = head ц

чем = voice ц

смеп = living room ц


щоеъ фетм:

момом = to mumble ц

мазш = to be late ц

мфъез = to open ц

мцзцз = to brush ц

мщйн = to put ц (V2 = put ц)

мсвеш = to close ц

меош = to say ц (V2 = said ц)

мдъмбщ = to dress up ц

мдъвмз = to shave ц

мфиш = to fire ц

мдшаеъ = to show ц

мчфеа = to freeze ц (V2 = froze ц)

мтцеш = to stop ц

ммлъ = to go ц (V2 = went ц)

мчзъ = to take ц (V2 = took ц)

мъфес, мазеж = to grab ц

меош = to tell ц (V2 = told ц)

мчшеъ = to happen ц

млбеъ = to turn off ц

мщоет = to hear ц

мшзех, мщиеу = to wash ц

мрзеъ = to land ц

мцтеч = to yell ц

мдвйт бжоп, мдцмйз = to make it ц


щоеъ ъеаш:

зсш азшйеъ = irresponsible ц

тш = awake ц


ъашй дфетм ещереъ:

азг = 1 = one ц

осбйб = around ц

одш, бодйшеъ = quickly ц

азешд; зжшд = back ц

оощ = really ц

азш, ресу = else ц

бгйеч = sharp ц

ашбтйн = 40 = forty ц

тгййп = still ц

мазш олп = later ц

щмещйн = 30 = thirty ц

ъщт = 9 = nine ц

щмещ = 3 = three ц

озех = off ц

щъййн = 2 = two ц

аей амедйн! (оймъ чшйад) = oh my god! ц




айзеш вешмй


* Ring * Ring *

"OK, OK, I am awake!" said Peter and turned off his alarming clock. He looked at it and yelled "Oh my god, it is 08:30! I am going to be late for work again!"

He jumped off his bed, dressed up quickly and went to the bathroom. "This cannot be happening" he told himself. He brushed his teeth while hearing his boss's voice in his head:

"This is irresponsible of you, Peter. I need you to be here at 9 sharp and not one minute later. Next time I will fire you"

"He said he would fire me" Peter mumbled. He washed his mouth and looked in the mirror. "I need to shave" he thought to himself, "but there is no time for that".

He went to the living room. The clock showed 08:40. "I may still make it" he thought. He grabbed his suitcase, looked around and said "I need nothing else".

He opened the front door and then stopped. He froze for 3 seconds, then took 2 steps back and closed the door. He put the suitcase back on the floor, went to his bedroom and landed on his bed while mumbling "It is Saturday…"

 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]