Lesson 3 - Exercise
1. How would you say "ае щаъд иетд ае щаъд ощчш" in English?
A. Or you are wrong or you are lying
B. You are either wrong or lying
C. You are neither wrong or lying
D. You are neither wrong nor lying
2. How would you say "арй ма йгйг ема аейб, арй рйишамй" in English? (цneutral, ц foe)
A. I'm not a friend and I'm not a foe, I'm neutral
B. Not only am I not a friend, but I'm also not a foe, I'm neutral
C. I am neither a friend nor a foe, I'm neutral
D. Answers B and C are correct
3. What could be a proper response to the answer to the previous question? ц
(proper = демн, response = ъвебд, previous = чегн, question = щамд)
A. Neither am I (neutral)
B. So am I (neutral)
C. Me neither (neutral)
D. Answers A and C are correct
4. What is the meaning of the sentence "She's anything but funny"? ц
A. дйа длем евн оцзйчд
B. дйа оощ ма оцзйчд
C. йщ мд длем абм дйа ма оцзйчд
D. ау ъщебд айрд рщотъ двйерйъ
5. Translate the following sentence to English:
"ма шч щдфсгре бощфи, ама вн рцишк мщмн тбеш ддецаеъ дощфийеъ щм дъебт"
(ощфи = trial ц, ъебт = plaintiff ц, ощфий, зечй = legal ц, децад = expense ц)
A. Not just that we've lost the trial, but we're going to have to pay for the plaintiff's legal expenses too
B. We haven't lost the trial, so we're going to have to pay for the plaintiff's legal expenses
C. Not only have we lost the trial, except we're going to have to pay for the plaintiff's legal expenses
D. Not only have we lost the trial, but we're also going to have to pay for the plaintiff's legal expenses
Reveal answers ц
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