עברית Русский
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Глава 7
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Глава 9
Глава 10
Глава 11

Lesson 7 - Exercise



1.     The word "bacterium" means "бактерия". How would you say "бактерии"?

a.     Bacteriums

b.     Bacteria

c.      Bacteri

d.     Bacteriu


2.     The word  "furniture" means "мебель".

How would you say "единица мебели"?

a.     A furniture

b.     Furnitures

c.      A piece of furniture

d.     furnit


3.     Which of the following verbs is not written correctly?

a.     To hold -> holded -> holded

b.     To bear -> bore -> borne

c.      To keep -> kept -> kept

d.     To mean -> meant -> meant


4.     The word "value" means "значение". How would you say "Это имеет огромное значение" in English?

a.     This is very valuable

b.     This is of great value

c.      This is great value

d.     Answers 'a' and 'b' are correct


5.     How would you say "Говорят, она убила человека" in English?

a.     She is said to have killed a man

b.     It is said to have killed a man

c.      It is said that she has killed a man

d.     Answers 'a' and 'c' are correct


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