עברית Русский
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Урок №7 - Упражнения



1.     Which of the following verbs (глаголов) is not written correctly (правильно)?

a.     To forget -> (V2) forgot -> (V3) forgotten

b.     To run -> (V2) ran -> (V3) run

c.      To do -> (V2) did -> (V3) did

d.     To study -> (V2) studied -> (V3) studied


2.     How would you say "Я не должен был ничего говорить" in English?

a.     I don't supposed to say anything

b.     I don't suppose to say anything

c.      I'm not supposed to say anything

d.     I'm not suppose to say anything


3.     In which of these sentences is it appropriate (уместно) to use the word "own"?

a.     He hit his _____ leg by accident = Он случайно ударился ногой

b.     I'm taking my _____ dog for a walk = Я вывожу свою собаку на прогулку

c.      I _____ three businesses = Я владею тремя бизнесами

d.     Answers 'a' and 'c' are correct


4.     Which of the following sentences make sense?  (to make sense = имеет смысл)

a.     I don't know why he is being so rude (грубый), he's always like this

b.     I don't know why he is being so rude, he's sometimes like this

c.      I don't know why he is being so rude, he's usually not like this

d.     I don't know why he is being so rude, he's seldom not like this


5.     What does the following sentence imply (подразумевает)?

"We would always go to the cinema (кино) on weekends"

a.     We no longer go to the cinema on weekends

b.     We are now going to the cinema (it's a weekend)

c.      We still go to the cinema on weekends

d.     We always go to the cinema on weekends


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Daily word list:



стеснительный = timid

любимый = favorite

незажженный = unlit

ограниченный (инвалид) = handicapped

обычный = usual  

добрый = kind


громкий = loud


Adverbs and miscellaneous:

правдивый = truly

как = like


в наши дни, нынче = nowadays


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