Урок №5 - Упражнения
1. How would you read this year number: 1766? ♫
a. One seven sixty six
b. Seventy sixty six
c. One thousand seven hundred and sixty six
d. Seventeen sixty six
2. How would you read this year number: 2206? ♫
a. Two thousand two hundred and six
b. Twenty two hundred oh six
c. Twenty two hundred and six
d. Twenty two oh six
3. How would you say "Я был ребенком в восьмидесятые" in English?
a. I was a kid in nineteen eighty
b. I was a kid on nineteen eighty
c. I was a kid in the eighties
d. I was a kid in the years of the eighty
4. How do you call the years between 2000 and 2100? ♫
a. One hundred years
b. The twentieth century
c. The twenty first decade
d. The twenty first century
5. How would you say "Это случилось третьего февраля, 1997" in English?
a. It happened on February 3rd, 1997
b. It happened on February 3rd, in 1997
c. It happened in February 3rd, 1997
d. It happened in 1997, February 3rd
6. What do you think the number "04" means in the following (следующем) sentence: ♫
"I graduated in '04" ♫ (to graduate = заканчивать учебу)
a. The year 1994
b. The year 2004
c. At four o' clock
d. In the fourth month (April)
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Daily word list:
стремление = urge ♫ |
рука = hand ♫ |
наручные часы = watch ♫ |
детский сад = kindergarten ♫ |
останавливаться = to stop ♫ |
держать = to hold ♫ (V2 = held ♫, V3 = held ♫) |
доставать = to take out ♫ |
представить себе = to imagine ♫ |
приветствовать = to welcome ♫ |
ранить = to injure ♫ |
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