עברית Русский
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Урок чтения - 4 часть

Перед тем, как начнем читать, давайте вспомним все слова, которые мы выучили на предыдущих уроках:





приглашение = invitation

адрес = address

работа = job

агентство = agency

автостоп = lift

квартира = apartment

момент = moment

кассир = cashier

владелец = owner

стул = chair

автостоянка = parking lot

кафе = coffee shop

Порше (марка автомобиля) = Porsche

контракт = contract

улыбка = smile

беседа = conversation

год = year

ошибка = fault


класс (в школе) = grade



слушать = to listen

отвечать = to answer

жениться =to marry  

принадлежать = to belong

платить = to pay

приносить = to bring

получать = to receive

продолжать = to continue

помнить = to remember

выходить на свидание = to date

отвечать = to reply

заканчивать = to finish

требовать = to require

одурачивать = to fool

встретиться (случайно) = to run into  (V2 -> ran)

пожениться = to get married  (V2 -> got)

видеть (также понимать) = to see

схватить = to grab

посылать = to send

повернуть = to head

звучать = to sound

колебаться = to hesitate

начинать = to start

запрыгивать = to hop in

изменять = to change

подшучивать = to kid

говорить = to tell  (V2 -> told )

оставаться на связи = to keep in touch

путешествовать = to travel

знать = to know



женатый = married

чудесный = amazing

новый = new

раздраженный = annoyed

старый = old

хорошо = fine

прав = right

счастливый = lucky


Другие слова и определения:

однажды = once

много = a lot

снаружи = outside

в действительности = actually

там = over there

оборонительно = defensively

действительно = really

друг-друга = each other

так = so

для = for

конечно = sure

часто = frequently

тоже = too

половина = half

в сторону = towards

рядом = next to

двенадцатый = twelfth

не может быть! = no way!

к сожаленью = unfortunately

совсем нет = not at all

вау (восклицание) = wow

О (восклицание) = oh

Забытые друзья


George and Mike are old friends. Today they ran into each other at a coffee shop after a very long time.

"Hey, George, I'm surprised to see you here".

"Mike? Is it really you? How are you?"

"I'm fine. What brings you here?"

"Well, you know…" started George and grabbed a chair next to Mike, "Work. My job requires me to travel a lot." He finished.

"Are you still working at that agency?"

"Yeah, 3 years now, unfortunately"

"Sounds you don't like it. Why don't you leave?"

"I can't. I've got a contract"

"Oh I see"


"So what about you? What's new?" asked George.

"Well, I got married last week" replied Mike with a smile.

"Got married? Are you kidding me?" said George. "Nope" said Mike.

"Why the hell didn't I receive an invitation?" said George half annoyed.

"I wanted to send you an invitation" said Mike defensively, "but I didn't know the address. You change apartments frequently and you don't keep in touch, do you?"

"You're right. It's not your fault. So who's the lucky lady? Whom are you married to? Someone I know?"

"Actually, yes. Remember Lisa from Twelfth grade?"

"No way! Really? I remember once you told me you wanted to date her but marry her? Wow, that's amazing".

"Listen, I should be going now", said Mike, "Do you mind if we continue this conversation outside?"

"Not at all" replied George.


"How much for the coffee?" Mike asked the cashier. "Two dollars" she answered. Mike paid her the money and he and his friend left the coffee shop.

They headed towards the parking lot.

"So which of these cars is yours?" asked George.

"See that Porsche over there?" said Mike.

"You can't fool me. I know whose car it is. It belongs to the owner of the coffee shop" said George.

"It's a nice car, isn't it? Well, it was good to see you again, George".

"Yeah, you too"

George hesitated for a moment and then said "Hey, Mike, do you think you can give me a lift?"

"Sure. Hop in"