עברית Русский
Глава 1
Глава 2
Глава 3
Глава 4
Глава 5
Глава 6
Глава 7
Глава 8
Глава 9
Глава 10
Глава 11
Урок чтения - 3 часть

Перед тем, как начнем читать, давайте вспомним все слова, которые мы выучили на предыдущих уроках:





рот = mouth

будильник = alarming clock

Питер (имя) = Peter

ванная комната = bathroom

звонок = ring

кровать = bed

суббота = Saturday

спальня = bedroom

секунда = second

пол = floor

шаг = step

парадная дверь = front door

чемодан = suitcase

голова = head

голос = voice

салон / жилая комнната = living room



бормотать = to mumble

опаздывать = to be late

открыть = to open

чистить = to brush

положить = to put  (V2 = put )

закрывать = to close

сказать = to say  (V2 = said )

одеваться = to dress up

бриться = to shave

уволить = to fire

показывать = to show

замораживать = to freeze  (V2 = froze )

остановиться = to stop

идти = to go  (V2 = went )

брать = to take  (V2 = took )

схватить = to grab

говорить = to tell  (V2 = told )

случаться = to happen

выключать = to turn off

слышать = to hear

мыть = to wash

приземлиться / высадиться = to land

орать, кричать = to yell

успеть / переуспеть = to make it



безответственный = irresponsible

бодрствующий = awake


Другие слова и определения:

один = 1 = one

вокруг = around

быстро = quickly

назад / сзади = back

действительно = really

другой, иначе = else

точно (острый/резкий) = sharp

сорок = 40 = forty

пока еще = still

позднее = later

тридцать = 30 = thirty

девять = 9 = nine

три = 3 = three

снаружи = off

два = 2 = two

Боже! (восклицание) = oh my god!



Роковое опаздание


* Ring * Ring *

"OK, OK, I am awake!" said Peter and turned off his alarming clock. He looked at it and yelled "Oh my god, it is 08:30! I am going to be late for work again!"

He jumped off his bed, dressed up quickly and went to the bathroom. "This cannot be happening" he told himself. He brushed his teeth while hearing his boss's voice in his head:

"This is irresponsible of you, Peter. I need you to be here at 9 sharp and not one minute later. Next time I will fire you"

"He said he would fire me" Peter mumbled. He washed his mouth and looked in the mirror. "I need to shave" he thought to himself, "but there is no time for that".

He went to the living room. The clock showed 08:40. "I may still make it" he thought. He grabbed his suitcase, looked around and said "I need nothing else".

He opened the front door and then stopped. He froze for 3 seconds, then took 2 steps back and closed the door. He put the suitcase back on the floor, went to his bedroom and landed on his bed while mumbling "It is Saturday…"