עברית Русский
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Урок чтения - 2 часть

Перед тем как начнем читать, давайте вспомним слова, которые мы выучили на предыдущих уроках:





газета = newspaper

начальник = boss

ночь = night

завтрак = breakfast

океан = ocean

автобус = bus

офис = office

часы (не наручные) = clock

человек = person

кофе = coffee

дорога, путь = road

коллега = colleague

оборот, очередность = rotation

чашка = cup

продажа = sale

отдел = department

смена = shift

дверь = door

сторона = side

конец = end

время = time

помощь = help

дерево = tree

начальник, директор = manager

верхушка дерева = treetop

минута = minute

отпуск = vacation

зеркало = mirror

путь, дорога = way

понедельник = Monday

неделя = week

утро = morning

ветер = wind

имя = name

работа = work

новости = news



читать = to read

быть = to be

видеть = to see

начинать = to begin

сидеть = to sit

проверять = to check

стоять = to stand

делать = to do

оставаться = to stay

ехать, подвозить = to drive

брать = to take

добираться = to get

ждать = to wait

торопиться = to hurry

колебаться, шататься = to wobble

смотреть = to look

желать = to wonder

делать, создавать = to make


нуждаться = to need



ранний = early

плохой = bad

главный = main

большой = big

новый = new

близкий = close

высокий = tall

ежедневный = daily


Другие слова и определения:

восемь = 8 = eight

заграницей = abroad

немного = little

в любом случае = anyway

следующий = next

тревожно, с волнением = anxiously

в, на = on

с (какого-то времени) = as of

так = so

потому что = because

что = what

до, прежде чем = before

во время = while

но = but


Обычный рабочий день


In the morning, before I go to work, I have breakfast while reading the daily newspaper. I have got to hurry because I have little time. My work begins early.

I have a friend. His name is James. James has a car and he drives me to work every day.

I can take the bus but he drives me anyway.  I must get to work before 8 so it is a big help.

On the way to work I am able to see the ocean. It is close to the main road. There are tall trees on every side of the road. The wind from the ocean makes the treetops wobble.

I am now at work. John, a colleague of mine, does night shifts. He is looking at the clock. He must be waiting anxiously for the end of his shift. Nancy, the next person on the shift rotation, is checking herself in the mirror minutes before her shift begins.

Here is my office. I sit here by myself.  I am going to make a cup of coffee.

My boss is standing at the door… He should be on vacation.

"Come to my office please. I need to talk to you".

I wonder what he wants. This might be bad news.

"I am going abroad next week. I am staying there. As of Monday, you are the new manager of the Sales department."