עברית Русский

щйтеш 6 – ъшвем




1.  айк ъаоше "ам ъсълм моид" барвмйъ?

а.      Don't look beneath

б.      Don't look into

в.       Don't look down

г.      Don't look beyond


2.  айк ъаоше "чз щрй цтгйн азешд тн дфрйн ам оем дчйш" барвмйъ?

а.      Take two steps back with your face across the wall

б.      Take two steps back with your face against the wall

в.       Take two steps back with your face among the wall

г.      Take two steps back with your face out of the wall


3.  айже оп доймйн дбаеъ ощотеъд айрд "мйг" ?

а.      Over

б.      Near

в.       By

г.      Next to


4.  айк ъаоше "дмсъ дтмйерд" ?

а.      The upper jaw

б.      The lower jaw

в.       The front jaw

г.      The outer jaw


5.  айк ъаоше "оощ оазешй дашеп" ?

а.      Really behind the closet

б.      Right behind the closet

в.       Really back the closet

г.      Right back the closet


6.  айк ъаоше "аън зещбйн щдеа фд айфд щдеа? арй ма шеад аеъе бау очен. деа йлем мдйеъ блм очен" барвмйъ?

* жлше щбарвмйъ ма рщмем фтоййн: "айп лмен" = "There is nothing" (оймемй: йщ лмен)

а.      Do you think he is here somewhere? I don't see him nowhere. He could be anywhere

б.      Do you think he's here anywhere? I don't see him anywhere. He could be everywhere

в.       Do you think he's here somewhere? I see him nowhere. He could be anywhere

г.      Do you think he's here everywhere? I see him anywhere. He could be somewhere


вмд ъщебеъ ц

шщйоъ оймйн йеойъ:


щоеъ тцн:

аъш, ажеш = site ц

очен осъеш = hiding place ц

чем = sound ц

штйеп = idea ц

очеш = source ц

цеоъ = intersection ц

оабч = struggle ц

аеш = light ц

зцш = yard ц

ойчен = location ц


оби = look ц

 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]